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Accelerate Cash Flow from Planning to Invoicing

Ensure timely invoicing for Tools and R&D: Track and update them from award of business until invoicing.


Gain transparency on customer-agreed Quicksavings. And have the opportunity to track all other project-related cash-outs.


Maintain full control over cash flow by filtering and analyzing reimbursements and investments.


OTP Your Benefits

🔝 Track all sales related direct reimbursements for tools, RnD and quicksavings from origin until cash-flow
🔝 Amortization report (OTP+ add-on) to gain insights on under- and overpayments
🔝 Aggregation of all project related cash-flows in one automized report
🔝 Awareness for investment limitations and headroom in strategic sales planning
🔝 See upcoming tool cash-ins in time to be PPAP green-ready
 🏁 100% of your direct reimbursements invoiced in time

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