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Receive Compensations for All Contract Deviations

Monitor any deviations in volume, exchange rate, material, or energy costs with our automatic warning system.


No effort for you. Digital Automotive uses existing contractual and commercial data in combination with actual data and deliveries to 100% automatically calculate damages deriving from contract deviations. 


Follow an end-to-end claim process from claim definition to calculation, negotiation and quotation until compensation is received.



Keep track of open claims with a comprehensive control system, ensuring effective monitoring and resolution.



Get the right focus by filtering all your claims by customer, region, plant, product or project.


Empower your team with motivating claim performance reports, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and proactive action.


CLAIM Your Benefits

πŸ” Automatic detection of contract deviations
πŸ” Goal-oriented Claim process
πŸ” Open claim report to stay focused
πŸ”Claim performance report to establish a claim culture
 πŸ > 15% of annual sales by active claim management

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In over 25 years of automotive supplier sales management, we have learned the benefits of digitization. Discover an improved process experience with Digital Automotive. We are happy to share our expert knowledge with you.