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Sales Top-Performance for Profitable Growth

Digital Automotive -
Leading in Sales Management and Sales Planning. 
Made for and by Automotive Suppliers.

Better Decisions | Better Processes | Better Performance

DA Expert Forum April 16th, 2024 in Munich:
"Do Automotive Suppliers Have Their Prices Under Control?"
Learn more >>


All Areas of Sales Are Digitized 

To Focus on Higher Profits, More Sales and Faster Cash-in 



Replace Excel Chaos

Eliminate endless Excel lists filled with errors, lack of transparency, and inefficiencies. Avoid pricing mistakes in the sales core processes.


Sales Benchmark Processes in One Integrated System

No other system offers an integrated solution that covers all sales processes of automotive suppliers.

An impressive user experience through modern design, process guidance, data exchange with other systems and files, elimination of multiple data entries, and automation wherever possible.


Automized Real-Time Reports with a Focus on Performance 

Best practice management reports for all profit-, cash-, and sales-relevant areas. Automotive supplier Sales-Performance-KPIs included.

Designed for executives who want to lead their teams to profitable growth.



Digital Automotive allows a plug-and-play start in fully developed sales software. Based on benchmarks from automotive suppliers. No additional apps or programming are needed. 

"Comprehensive, easy-to-use, efficient, effective, and transparent"

The Top 5 ways Sales Executives and Sales Professionals characterize their experience with Digital Automotive

Sales Management and Sales Planning Made Easy with 10 Powerful Modules:

More than 1000 Executives and Sales Pros are using Digital Automotive every day

to plan, analyze, understand, forecast, decide, prioritize, organize, track, delegate, interact, collaborate, present, report, follow-up, integrate, document, store, find, share, gain, claim, change, create, progress, define, evaluate, calculate, price, quote and succeed.


Acquisition projects


Claims processed


Changes processed


Part prices managed

Sales Management:
Achieve Top-Performance and Grow Profitably


Profit Focus

DA is built to grow profitably. The Acquisition, Change, and Claim Processes and Performance Reports are tailored to increase profitability.


Cash Focus

Active cash-flow management by tracking all reimbursements (tools, RnD, quick savings, etc.), from planning to invoicing.


Growth Focus

Orient the entire organization towards winning new business. Convert strategically planned projects into acquisition initiatives and manage the RfQ through a benchmarked process.


Contract Focus

Be automatically warned if contract deviations (f.e. volumes, material costs, fx) occur. And process the claim until compensation is achieved. Open Claims and Claim performance are visualized in real-time.


Price Management Simplified

One price list for all needs over the entire life cycle

Error-prevention mechanisms, automated inputs from change management, and a wide array of pricing functionalities. Define the cost-break-downs (CBD) you need and fill the customer formats with one click. Benefit from a unified Part Price list for tracking changes, invoicing, and sales planning throughout the entire life-cycle.


Sales Planning: Efficient, Flexible and in Real-Time 


Sales Planning in all Dimensions

Plan scenarios on the part-number basis or high-level, with price or cost break-downs, with indexes, or different volumes assumptions and compare to budgets. Gain multiple perspectives on your business with filters for customers, products, regions, platforms, and projects.


S&P Global Mobility Data Integrated

Market insights are just one click away. Standardized project definition and pre-filled data. Use the volume projections for your sales planning, to challenge customer RfQ data, or to have arguments in the claim negotiation. Information is always there when you need it.

Digital Automotive: Connected with Everything Automotive Suppliers Need

S&P Global Mobility SAP Siemens Teamcenter Facton Other IT Solution

Stay Connected With the Microsoft Environment

Experience seamless integration with Digital Automotive embedded in the Microsoft environment.

  • Leverage Azure for robust cloud capabilities
  • Single-Sign-On (SSO) possibility
  • Share and manage content efficiently through SharePoint integrated into DA
  • Import and export your data to Excel - even if our goal is that you do 100% of your work in DA. 
Microsoft Connectivity


S&P Global Mobility data and forecasts are deeply integrated into Digital Automotive. But that’s not all – S&P Global Mobility also serves as a strategic partner and investor, aiming to establish the leading standard for automotive supplier sales planning and management with Digital Automotive.

More and more automotive suppliers use

Digital Automotive

Extract customers

Kautex Gebauer & Griller Rehau Sumitomo Electric Bordnetze Megatech VHIT Alu Menziken SMP

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Experience the Next RFQs and SOPs Powered by Digital Automotive?

In over 25 years of automotive supplier sales management, we have learned the benefits of digitization. Discover an improved process experience with Digital Automotive. We are happy to share our expert knowledge with you.